Today I have a brand new polish to show you! This is from Sally Hansen's newest collection called Lustre Shine. I have most of the collection except for the white pearly one and I'll probably get that one soon enough. I'm a bit of a collector, what can I say?
This polish has a beautiful bluish pewter shimmer in the bottle but I didn't find that it translated to the nail much, if at all. You can see a band of this in this bottle shot. The only time I saw this actually was when I was cleaning up. I imagine when I take this off that the copper will come off first and leave a bit of the blue behind.

Sadly this is not so duochrome. It's beautiful and easy to work with. My brush had a wonky bristle that hopefully my other bottles don't have. The formula was fine, two coats and no dragging. My swatch below is with no top coat, and seems to be a bit bubbled (which I couldn't see IRL).

No flash. I can't figure out why this picture is so yellow. Terrible lighting at my parents house probably.

With flash. This is brighter than it usually looks. Imagine this slightly more dusty.
And a bonus picture, my daughters pink mani. She had to be on this blog post. She thinks cats are better to hold than nail polish bottles.
